Rank: The Largest Sovereign Wealth Funds in the World
Ranked: Automakers by U.S. Market Share
Charted: The Global Mining Industry, by Market Cap
How the U.S. Dollar Has Performed, by President (1967-2025)
Ranked: U.S. Industries Where Companies Are Least Profitable
Mapped: Europe’s Population Crash (2025-2100P)
Chart Explainer: Trump’s Reciprocal Tariffs Can Hurt Asia
Mapped: How Much Each Country Pays for Gas in 2025
Charted: Annual Net Migration of Businesses in the U.S. (1991-2021)
Charted: China’s Exports by Region (2000-2022)
Charted: Is Google’s Search Product Still a Monopoly?
Ranked: Google’s Thirstiest Data Centers
Charted: Average Workers per U.S. Startup (1994-2023)
Ranked: Semiconductor Production by Country or Region (1990-2032F)
Nvidia Loses Record-Setting $560B of Market Cap, Thanks to DeepSeek
How Much Gold Exists for Every Person on Earth?
Visualized: The 1%’s Share of U.S. Wealth Over Time (1989-2024)
Charted: U.S. National Debt, as a Percent of GDP (1900-2035P)
Charted: U.S. Wealth Held by the Bottom 50% (1989-2024)
Charted: Cigarette Smoking’s Decline in U.S. Young Adults
Visualizing Drug Use Trends in U.S. Young Adults
Charted: The Surge of Vaping in America’s Young Adults
Visualized: Who Funds the World Health Organization?
Mapped: Emergency Room Visit Times by State
How Many New Mines Are Needed for the Energy Transition?
Where the U.S. Gets Its Enriched Uranium
Oil & Gas Leases on Public Lands Under Obama, Trump, and Biden
Which State Has the Highest Gas Price in 2024?
Mapped: How Much Each U.S. State Spends on Education
Mapped: Days of Work to Afford a Monthly Mortgage, by State
Ranked: How Key Commodities Have Performed Since 2019
Visualizing Europe’s Dependence on Chinese Resources
Visualizing California’s Drought Conditions (2000–2025)
How Much of the World’s Plastic Waste Actually Gets Recycled?
Mapped: Water Violations by State
Charted: Per-Capita CO2 Emissions by Global Region (1960-2022)
Tennis addict, writer, and general court jester, Pallavi loves discovering niche communities to tell stories of human ingenuity. And then use said stories to awe people at dinner conversations.
Europe’s population may start contracting as soon as 2026. Here’s how it’ll change for every country by 2100.
Reciprocal tariffs is the phrase of the year for 2025. Okay, not really—but they could seriously hurt these Asian economies.
Dividing all discovered gold (244,000 metric tons) by the the people (8 billion): how much gold does everyone get?
Production and refining costs, transportation and distribution fares, and taxes and subsidies all affect how much everyone pays for gas.
In 1994 the South gained 152 firms from the rest of the country. In 2021 it gained more than 700. Why do firms keep moving south?
This is the first time since 2015 that Google Search’s market share has stayed below 90% for three full months. An ominous sign?
A snapshot of which sectors are the least profitable, based on the latest data. Spoiler: Big Pharma makes this list.
Of the eleven states that spend nearly 50% of their budget on education, eight can be found in the American South.
Ranking the top 15 by land area instead of total area produces some interesting results. Read why here.
A snapshot of which sectors earn the most profit, based on the latest data. Spoiler: #1 is not Big Tech.
Locating and ranking the thirstiest of Google’s data centers in America, by the millions of gallons of water consumed in 2023.
How many days of work in a month do you need just to make your mortgage payment? It depends on where you live.
Startups are famous for starting small, but they’re starting even smaller compared to the 1990s. We look at the trends.
Who said big businesses can’t be nimble? Fortune 500 companies are ditching the coasts for the South according to this data.
Eurostat tracked a year’s worth of online job listings to figure out the EU’s most in-demand jobs. Here are the results.
Wanting to take all of your income home? Here’s the very short list of places with no income taxes. Indirect taxes may still apply.
How old is your state? We list the year every state joined the union. The first 13 are by the year they ratified the constitution.
Breaking down complex geopolitical relations between UN member states isn't easy. But this chart gets the message across.
This chart ranks America’s most affordable cities by average monthly household spending on 10 common bills.
Perhaps unsurprisingly the smallest countries by GDP are all sparsely populated islands or archipelagos.
This chart ranks America’s least affordable cities by average monthly household spending on 10 common bills.
There’s a new global bloc of emerging political power, backed by economic might. Here’s how BRICS stacks up against the G7.
Amid new tariff uncertainty, it’s worth exploring how many jobs America’s top exports to China actually support
Tracking where every single penny earned by a U.S. household goes, including savings and taxes. Here's the average household budget.
Earlier both U.S. and Chinese FDI in Africa targeted oil & gas and mining firms. Things have since changed.
Oil and gas may be second on America’s top exports to China by value, but when ranking by jobs supported—the list looks a little different.
Streaming wars are taking their toll on net profit margins. Of the six major media companies in this graphic, only two beat the 10% threshold.
When accounting for population, a small state in the West has seen the most new business applications in 2024.
Election-related events and crime dominated the news according to Google’s yearly search data drop.
American exports to its top three trade partners support more than four million U.S. jobs. Could they be hit in a crossfire?
When looking at inflation adjusted data, U.S. households have definitely gotten a whole lot richer since 1967.
Government subsidies are nearing tens of billions for some companies. Here’s the ones which got the most taxpayer support.
There’s changes coming to the top ranked economies. Here’s each country’s share of the world economy visualized.
Which states have the highest share of college graduates? And what patterns can be identified? We find out.
Within this group of seven advanced economies, there’s one outperformer. Here’s a per country breakdown of the G7 economy.
Nearly all the apps available are free, so which ones are people actually willing to drop a few dollars on?
Half of the world's population growth since 1990 has happened in Asia. What does that look like for 51 Asian countries? We take a closer look.
Half of the 7,000 deaths every hour worldwide occur in just six countries. Here’s which ones and how many happen in each.
There’s two rival groups wrestling for influence within the 20 largest economies. Here’s who they are and how they compare.
Just nine countries are responsible for half of the 15,000 babies born every hour. Here’s which ones they are.
Despite the recent rise of Southeast Asian manufacturers, China’s manufacturing dominance will continue till at least 2030.
There are three major types of tectonic plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. They can all cause earthquakes.
Everyone thinks they’re middle class. We find out how much a household needs to earn to get there.
Only 12 of the 50 largest metro areas are providing economic mobility for the lowest income group, says this study.
For these economies, mining exports (minerals, ores, and metals) are the primary category of goods sent abroad.
As active conflict zones (Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Russia-Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine) have increased, so too has water violence.
America’s two seaboards are economic powerhouses, but how do they compare with each other? Here’s east and west by the numbers.
Despite leaving the EU in 2020, the UK still does the lion’s share of its trade within the European continent.
Households in richer states have higher average credit card debt but higher incomes allow them to pay it off faster as well.
Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) and Asia (India, China) are the top sources of EU immigrants in 2023.