Visualizing $79 Trillion in U.S. Financial Sector Assets
Rank: The Largest Sovereign Wealth Funds in the World
Ranked: Automakers by U.S. Market Share
Charted: The Global Mining Industry, by Market Cap
How the U.S. Dollar Has Performed, by President (1967-2025)
Ranked: Top U.S. Trade Partners by Import Value
Mapped: Europe’s Population Crash (2025-2100P)
Chart Explainer: Trump’s Reciprocal Tariffs Can Hurt Asia
Mapped: How Much Each Country Pays for Gas in 2025
Charted: Annual Net Migration of Businesses in the U.S. (1991-2021)
Charted: Is Google’s Search Product Still a Monopoly?
Ranked: Google’s Thirstiest Data Centers
Charted: Average Workers per U.S. Startup (1994-2023)
Ranked: Semiconductor Production by Country or Region (1990-2032F)
Nvidia Loses Record-Setting $560B of Market Cap, Thanks to DeepSeek
How Much Gold Exists for Every Person on Earth?
Visualized: The 1%’s Share of U.S. Wealth Over Time (1989-2024)
Charted: U.S. National Debt, as a Percent of GDP (1900-2035P)
Charted: U.S. Wealth Held by the Bottom 50% (1989-2024)
Charted: Cigarette Smoking’s Decline in U.S. Young Adults
Visualizing Drug Use Trends in U.S. Young Adults
Charted: The Surge of Vaping in America’s Young Adults
Visualized: Who Funds the World Health Organization?
Mapped: Emergency Room Visit Times by State
How Many New Mines Are Needed for the Energy Transition?
Where the U.S. Gets Its Enriched Uranium
Oil & Gas Leases on Public Lands Under Obama, Trump, and Biden
Which State Has the Highest Gas Price in 2024?
Mapped: How Much Each U.S. State Spends on Education
Mapped: Days of Work to Afford a Monthly Mortgage, by State
Ranked: How Key Commodities Have Performed Since 2019
Visualizing Europe’s Dependence on Chinese Resources
Visualizing California’s Drought Conditions (2000–2025)
How Much of the World’s Plastic Waste Actually Gets Recycled?
Mapped: Water Violations by State
Charted: Per-Capita CO2 Emissions by Global Region (1960-2022)
New technological breakthroughs can create massive opportunities while subsequently closing doors to old ones. Here's what drives such innovations.
This infographic ranks the top 10 exports and imports of the U.S. and China, the two most significant global economic superpowers today.
Ethereum is the world's second biggest cryptocurrency by market cap. This graphic maps the major forks that have defined Ethereum's growth to date.
Entrepreneurship is challenging at the best of times. Here are the countries where at least starting a new business is easy to do.
The commercial space economy has been exploring new heights with innovative products and services that aim to improve life on Earth, and beyond.
Cryptocurrencies have evolved past digital cash. This graphic explores the the new cryptocurrency ecosystem and how it's impacting the modern economy.
As societies evolve, demographics and social change also evolve, reshaping the world and resulting in new investment opportunities.
This mesmerizing video visualizes the best-selling music artists from 1969 to 2019 and highlights how long they held onto the top spot.
Blockchain technology is no longer a fringe innovation. Here's how it is being used in increasingly practical ways, from elections to entertainment.
While we all see the same sky, some see it differently, depending on where they live. Today's graphic ranks world cities by annual hours of sunshine.
Visualizing the Rise of Investment Tech For the high resolution version of this infographic, click here. Investors and wealth managers are always looking to capitalize on...
Cryptocurrency regulations are essential for the future of digital finance, making it more attractive for businesses, banks, and investors worldwide.
Our modern world was designed for mass consumption and waste. Choosing to build a circular economy will be integral to the future of our planet.
Every generation has the same desire for connection, but the way in which we connect over social media differs across age groups and regions.
As global population grows, our energy demand grows as well. Here are the largest energy sources in the world and how much electricity they generate.
See how 5G compares to older iterations of wireless technology, and why it's poised to change the way the modern world uses data.
Humans need to restore and repair each night through sleep—but we never seem to get enough. Here are the stats on sleeping habits, from around the...
Sales technology tools today use AI to create personalized sales and marketing campaigns to find better prospects and close more leads.
What countries have the most innovative economies? This index uses seven equally-weighted variables, including R&D spending and patents, to rank countries.
Bitcoin forks play a key role in Bitcoin's evolution as a blockchain. While some have sparked controversy, most Bitcoin forks have been a sign of growth.
Which U.S. startups are best poised for growth and spin-off success? This chart shares insights from over 500 tech founders about the state of startups.
Which innovations will dominate headlines in 2019? According to Bill Gates, watch for these 10 breakthrough technologies to change the world.
IMO 2020, which sets ambitious emissions limits, is about to shake up maritime shipping. Today's graphic covers the environmental and economic impacts
These countries hold 74% of the world's $204 trillion in private wealth. See the 10 richest countries, and how their totals have changed over time.
After 15 months of losses and stagnation, Bitcoin has made a miraculous recovery — going on a 150% bull run since its lows in December 2018.