This infographic explores which countries use polymer banknotes, when they entered circulation, and the reasons behind it.
Hate crimes across the U.S. have been on the rise since 2014. Here's a look at the most common types of offenses over the years.
Mining bitcoin is costly. But the exact price fluctuates, depending on the location and the cost of electricity in the area.
Global wheat production is concentrated in just a handful of countries. Here’s a look at the top wheat-producing countries worldwide.
In 2021, the top 10 highest-paid celebrities earned a combined $2.7 billion. Peter Jackson came in first place, earning $580 million.
This animation shows the evolution of web browser market share since 1994, showing the rise and fall of various internet portals.
This graphic compares and contrasts gun laws and gun-related deaths across the U.S., by state.
The gender gap in corporate America is still prevalent, especially in leadership roles. In 2021, only 8.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs were female.
Petroleum is the top import in twelve states, making it the most commonly imported commodity across America. Here are America’s top imports.
From Nevada gold to Maine’s top-tier lobsters, here are America’s top exports by state.
This graphic provides an explanation of plate tectonics and highlights the seven major tectonic plates that make up Earth’s outer crust.