See how the cost of 30 seconds on screen during the Super Bowl has ballooned over time.
Happy Chinese New Year! 2025 is Year of the Snake and here’s all the influential people born under its zodiac.
Established IP dominated the 2024 box office, with top films mostly being sequels, spin-offs, or franchise continuations.
From Kamala Harris to India’s general election, politics dominated readers interests in 2024 as a historic number of people went to the polls.
Streaming wars are taking their toll on net profit margins. Of the six major media companies in this graphic, only two beat the 10% threshold.
We visualize the results of Google's Year in Search 2024 roundup, which shows what people were searching for in 2024.
Bad Bunny boasts three of Spotify's top-streamed album of the year titles in the past decade. Which other records have reached the top?
Songs on Spotify rack up millions of streams–sometimes hitting up to 1 billion. Which songs were the most streamed in the past 10 years?
Adele has recorded three best-selling albums of the year in her career. Which other artists had top-selling albums?
The U.S. is the world's largest book market, registering over 3 million ISBNs. Which other countries publish the most books in their region?