The private equity industry holds a record $2.5 trillion in cash reserves. Will this spur a recovery in mergers and acquisitions?
In a challenging year for most, many large tech companies have prospered and grown. We visualize the year’s biggest tech mergers and acquisitions.
The fintech industry welcomed multi-billion dollar investments in 2019. Where is the most growth, and how are incumbents dealing with digital disruption?
This massive infographic shows the 15 corporations that make the most cars, their annual revenues, and the brands owned by each automaker.
Pressure from platforms has forced big media conglomerates to make massive bets, such as Disney's deal with 21st Century Fox. See the changing landscape in this...
How is Amazon building a massive online store that is everything to everyone? Look no further than the list of Amazon's biggest acquisitions for the answer.
The fintech sector has been on fire lately. In today's infographic, we look back on the sector in 2015 to review the 10 biggest fintech deals...
Here's 15 technology startups that turned down big acquisition offers, and how the decisions look in retrospect.
In this data visualization, every attempted Chinese overseas investment over $100 million is organized by country and sector.
This week's chart shows the volume, average value, and cumulative value of mining M&A deals against overall market performance.