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Visual Capitalist

Visual Capitalist Explores the Material World



VC Elements is a brand new channel brought to you by Visual Capitalist which uses data-driven visuals to bridge the gap between the global trends shaping our future and the raw materials powering them.

In particular, we’ll be unearthing the following trends: Markets, Energy, Technology, Urbanization, Electrification.

The channel will look at the untapped potential of the material world, specifically looking at:

We’ll shine a light on the investment opportunities surrounding this space.
Everything we own is either grown or mined. Raw materials are at the core of our day to day lives, but how many of us actually know where these everyday objects come from?
Natural resources are the backbone of the industrial economy, but the current rate of consumption is putting increased pressure on them.
The world will need to invest $240 billion over the next five years to meet growing metals demand alone. We will create educational content, examining the latest sustainable technologies, and the raw materials powering them.

What content can I expect?

Below are some of the pieces recently published on the channel covering topics including markets, technology, energy and urbanization.

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