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The Gold Series: 2014 Trends and Beyond (PART 5 of 5)



Gold Trends for 2014 and Beyond

Part 1: The Most Sought After Metal on EarthPart 2: Unearthing the World's Gold SupplyPart 3: The Eclipsing Demand of the EastPart 4: Five Reasons To Own GoldPart 5: 2014 Gold Trends and Beyond

The Gold Series Part 5: 2014 Trends and Beyond

This infographic, the finale of our five part 2014 Gold Series, covers gold trends that investors should be watching through the rest of the year and beyond.

With input from some of the most important names in gold such as Brent Cook, Doug Casey, Frank Holmes, Bob Moriarty, and James Fraser, we aim to cover the broadest and most important signals for investors to watch. Those include Chinese wealth, Indian demographics, money printing, debt, and a lack of significant gold discoveries.

Presented by: Goldcorp

Also made possible by: Novagold, Gran Colombia Gold, Falco Pacific, Eastmain Resources, Brixton Metals, and Tickerscores

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