Younger credit card users tend to max out their credit cards more often than older generations, with 15% of Gen Z maxing out their cards.
Dive into the world of Gen Z with our Special Dispatch, only with VC+ by Visual Capitalist
Over 90% of U.S. adults between the ages of 18 and 29 have used YouTube. Which other social media platforms are popular among Gen Z?
While the global youth unemployment rate dropped to a 15-year low, there were significant differences by region. Which countries had the highest rate?
This ranking of America's favorite car brands reveals some of Gen Z's unique preferences when it comes to choosing a car.
This graphic illustrates the distribution of wealth in the United States from 1990 to 2023 by generation, from Millennials to Boomers.
A survey of 600 high net worth individuals revealed there’s one subset of people who are confident of making it in 2024.
How personal are your investments? We chart investment preferences by generation in the U.S. based on a survey of 2,200 investors in 2023.
What are Gen Z's favorite brands? Here are the top 5 brands for apparel, footwear, and handbags, according to U.S. teens in September 2023.
Gen Z job seekers are far more active than older generations, consistently looking for new work while already employed.