U.S. interest rates have risen sharply after sitting near historic lows. This animation charts their trajectory since 2020.
The U.S. deficit hit $2.7 trillion in 2021, the second highest on record. Here's a look at U.S. federal spending compared to revenue last year.
Were people more frugal during the pandemic or did they break the bank? This visual assesses the saving rates across different countries.
At 228%, the Buffett Indicator has reached all-time highs, which means America’s stock market value is currently more than double the country’s GDP.
The pandemic has impacted labor in many ways. Here's how global wages and unemployment have been affected by COVID-19 in 30 countries.
A visual breakdown of the CARES Act, the $2 trillion package to provide COVID-19 economic relief. It's the largest stimulus bill in modern history.