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Mapped: The Richest Billionaires in U.S. States



map showing richest billionaires in U.S. states

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Mapped: The Richest Billionaires in Every U.S. State

The number of billionaires in the U.S. increased 5% compared to last year, going from 720 super wealthy individuals to 775. The richest of the rich are concentrated in states like Texas, California, and New York, but there is almost one billionaire in every single state.

This map uses data from Forbes to showcase the wealthiest billionaire in each state.

The State-by-State Breakdown

According to Forbes, just four states are home to 61% of the country’s billionaires: California (179), New York (130), Florida (92), and Texas (73).

Here’s a closer look at the data on who takes the title of the richest in each state:

NameStateResidenceNet Worth (Est.)Source of Wealth
Jimmy RaneAlabamaAbbeville$1.2 BLumber
Arturo MorenoArizonaPhoenix$4.8 BBillboards, Los Angeles Angels
Jim WaltonArkansasBentonville$64.4 BWalmart
Larry PageCaliforniaPalo Alto$105.0 BGoogle
Philip AnschutzColoradoDenver$10.8 BEnergy, sports, entertainment
Ray DalioConnecticutGreenwich$19.1 BHedge funds
Ken GriffinFloridaMiami$32.7 BHedge funds
Dan Cathy, Bubba Cathy, and Trudy Cathy WhiteGeorgiaAtlanta$11.0 BChick-fil-A
Larry EllisonHawaiiLanai$146.0 BOracle
Frank VanderSlootIdahoIdaho Falls$3.2 BNutrition, wellness products
Lukas WaltonIllinoisChicago$22.9 BWalmart
Carl CookIndianaBloomington$10.3 BMedical devices
Harry StineIowaAdel$6.9 BAgriculture
Charles KochKansasWichitia$56.9 BKoch Industries
Tamara GustavsonKentuckyLexington$7.3 BSelf storage
Gayle BensonLouisianaNew Orleans$4.7 BNew Orleans Saints
Susan AlfondMaineScarborough$2.7 BShoes
Annette Lerner & familyMarylandChevy Chase$6.3 BReal Estate
Abigail JohnsonMassachusettsMilton$21.0 BFidelity
Daniel Gilbert MichiganFranklin$19.5 BQuicken Loans
Glen TaylorMinnesotaMankato$2.6 BPrinting
Thomas Duff & James DuffMississippiHattiesburg$2.3 BTires, diversified
John MorrisMissouriSpringfield$8.3 BSporting goods retail
Dennis WashingtonMontanaMissoula$6.4 BConstruction, mining
Warren BuffetNebraskaOmaha$117.0 BBerkshire Hathaway
Mirian Adelson & familyNevadaLas Vegas$36.2 BCasinos
Rick Cohen & familyNew HampshireKeene$18.8 BWarehouse automation
Rocco CommissoNew JerseySaddle River$8.0 BTelecom
Ron CorioNew Mexico Albuquerque$1.7 BSolar
Michael BloombergNew YorkNew York City$94.5 BBloomberg LP
James GoodnightNorth CarolinaCary$9.3 BSoftware
Gary TharaldsonNorth DakotaFargo$1.2 BHotels
Lex Wexner & familyOhioNew Albany$6.0 BRetail
Harold Hamm & familyOklahomaOklahoma City$18.5 BOil & gas
Phil Knight & familyOregonHillsboro$41.8 BNike
Jeff YassPennsylvaniaHaverford$28.5 BTrading, investments
Jonathan NelsonRhode IslandProvidence$3.1 BPrivate equity
Robert FaithSouth CarolinaCharleston$5.2 BReal estate management
T. Denny SanfordSouth DakotaSioux Falls$2.0 BBanking, credit cards
Thomas Frist Jr. & familyTennesseeNashville$22.3 BHospitals
Elon MuskTexasAustin$230.0 BTesla, SpaceX
Gail MillerUtahSalt Lake City$4.2 BCar dealerships
John AbeleVermontShelburne$1.9 BHealthcare
Jacqueline MarsVirginiaThe Plains$39.4 BCandy, pet food
Jeff BezosWashingtonMedina$149.0 BAmazon
John Menard Jr.WisconsinEau Claire$18.1 BHome improvement stores
John MarsWyomingJackson$39.4 BCandy, pet food

Many billionaires in the U.S. are extremely well-known, such as California’s Larry Page, New York’s Michael Bloomberg, or Washington state’s Jeff Bezos.

Interestingly, Bill Gates doesn’t take the top spot as the richest billionaire in Washington because Bezos has a higher net worth—$149 billion vs. Gates’ $104 billion—although they do live in the exact same town of Medina, WA.

Nearly every state is home to at least one billionaire, some far wealthier than others, like Nebraska’s Warren Buffett ($117 billion), compared to Alabama’s Jimmy Rane ($1.2 billion). Some new states, which gained billionaires this year include Alabama, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Billionaire Wealth

The number of billionaires globally is following a different trend than the one in the U.S., declining year-over-year, and seeing billionaire wealth overall decrease by $500 billion.

The U.S. is home to almost 30% of all the world’s billionaires and while a few like Sam Bankman-Fried and Kanye West lost their billionaire status this year, many continue to get richer. In addition to Ron Corio, New Mexico’s first ever billionaire, eight other individuals on the U.S. list gained billionaire status in the last four years.

Finance and investments, food and beverage, fashion and retail, and technology are the top sources of wealth for U.S. billionaires, with almost 50% of them gaining their fortunes from these specific industries.

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