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Mapped: Every Continent’s Tallest Statue



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This graphic maps the tallest statue on every continent (excluding Antarctica) along with where they are located and the year of completion.

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Mapped: Every Continent’s Tallest Statue

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Humanity may have never finished building the Tower of Babel, but that hasn’t stopped us from building towering skyscrapers and magnificent monuments, particularly in the post-Industrial era.

How tall have these structures gotten? And when were they built?

We visualize the tallest statue on every continent (excluding Antarctica), along with where they are located and the year of its completion. Important to note: the height measurements include the foundation. Data is from a list of sources: World Famous Things, World Atlas, the Guinness World Records, and Britannica.

Ranked: Towering Statues, by Continent

At a colossal 182 meters (597 ft), the Statue of Unity is the tallest in Asia—and the world—and is located in the Indian state of Gujarat.

Statue NameCountryContinentHeight
Statue of Unity🇮🇳 IndiaAsia182m
Sanctuary of
Christ the King
(Santuário Nacional
de Cristo Rei)
🇵🇹 PortugalEurope110m
Statue of Liberty🇺🇸 USANorth America93m
Monument de la
Renaissance Africaine
(African Renaissance
🇸🇳 SenegalAfrica52m
Monumento a la
Virgen de la Paz
(Monument to the
Virgin of Peace)
🇻🇪 VenezuelaSouth America47m
Big Merino🇦🇺 AustraliaOceania15m

Completed in 2018, it depicts Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a key leader in the Indian Independence movement and India’s first deputy Prime Minister. His legacy—the political integration of India—lends the statue its name.

Portugal’s Sanctuary of Christ the King is the tallest in Europe, at 110 meters (361 ft). Inspired by Christ the Redeemer in Rio, the statue was completed in 1959 as an expression of gratitude for Portugal not suffering direct consequences from World War II.

Across the Atlantic, NYC’s famous Statue of Liberty is the tallest in North America at 93 meters (305 ft). A gift from the people of France, the structure originally shone a reddish-brown color. The current green visage is the result of the natural oxidation of its copper surfaces.

Rounding up, Senegal’s African Renaissance Monument (52m / 171 ft) and Venezuela’s Monument to the Virgin of Peace (47m / 154 ft) are the tallest in Africa and South America respectively.

Australia’s Big Merino at 15 meters (49 ft) is the shortest statue amongst its continental peers.

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There’s a particular large economy missing from this list of places with tall statues. However, it more than make up in other towering structures. Check out Countries with the Most Skyscrapers for an overview.

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