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Iron Road (ASX:IRD)



Iron Road snapshot

Iron Road (ASX: IRD) has a vision to become a trusted and reliable supplier of premium iron concentrates to the Asian marketplace.

The flagship project in achieving this vision is the Central Eyre Iron Project (or CEIP) in South Australia. CEIP is a large scale development expected to produce 20Mtpa of iron concentrate. CEIP will require an industry partner to finance and develop associated rail and port infrastructure. Iron Road is in the final stage of Definitive Feasibility Study for the CEIP. Mineral Resources already top 2.5 billion tonnes, providing for 30+ years of production.

Alongside the CEIP, Iron Road is progressing a scoping study on the smaller scale Gawler Iron Project (Gawler). Gawler has the potential for 1-2 Mtpa development that can provide early sustaining cash flows. Gawler is close to established rail infrastructure with port access and can potentially provide product to gain early market acceptance for concentrates similar in specification to the larger expected CEIP output.

Iron Road’s development pathway will recognise market constraints and seek to utilise the common product specifications of CEIP and Gawler to enable a flexible development strategy.

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