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Charted: Global Energy Consumption by Source, and Carbon Emissions (1900-2021)



Where does our energy come from, and how has this mix changed over the last 100 years?

These charts from Truman Du examine the complex relationship between energy production, consumption, and related carbon emissions using information from Our World in Data.

The World’s Energy Mix (1900-2021)

In the last 10 years, total global energy consumption has risen nearly 15%. Before that, between 2000 and 2010, it increased by nearly 25%.

And despite frequent headlines about green initiatives over the last few years, fossil fuels continue to account for the majority of total energy consumption.

This graphic shows the break up of the different sources of energy and how much they contribute to the total energy consumed in the world.

In 2021, 77% of global energy was sourced from coal, oil, and gas.

Even so, renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro have gained traction since the year 2000. Hydropower was the biggest renewable energy source in 2021, accounting for 6.3% of total energy consumed.

A Fossil Fuel Heavy Mix

Taking a closer look at the breakdown of energy by source, another strong (if slightly counterintuitive) trend appears to be holding its own.

Coal has remained a key source of the world’s energy consumption since 1900. Despite its relative share decreasing over time, as of 2021, coal remains the second biggest energy source, accounting for 25% of the world’s energy needs. All figures below are in TWh (terrawatt-hours).

Global Energy Consumption19001950200020102021
Solar--3 TWh94 TWh2,702 TWh
Wind--93 TWh962 TWh4,872 TWh
Nuclear--7,323 TWh7,374 TWh7,031 TWh
Hydro47 TWh925 TWh7,826 TWh9,518 TWh11,183 TWh
Gas64 TWh2,092 TWh23,994 TWh31,589 TWh40,375 TWh
Oil181 TWh5,444 TWh42,881 TWh47,895 TWh51,170 TWh
Coal5,728 TWh12,603 TWh27,428 TWh41,996 TWh44,473 TWh
Total12,131 TWh28,564 TWh122,745 TWh152,966 TWh176,431 TWh

From its crucial role in the Industrial Revolution, to its relative cheapness and useful byproducts, coal isn’t close to being phased out anytime soon. In fact, it has seen a resurgence in powering India and China’s growing economies in the 21st century.

As fossil fuel use has increased in absolute terms, so have carbon emissions.

Carbon Emissions in 1900 vs. 2020

China, the U.S., India, Russia, and Japan are the top five emitters in the world, responsible for 60% of the world’s total emissions in 2020.

As these countries include the world’s largest economic powers, some believe emissions are a necessary byproduct of economic growth. Though there are exceptions, this seems to have held true on average, as studies show a 1% change in GDP is correlated with a 0.072 change in carbon dioxide emissions.

When looking at the chart of carbon emissions below, China’s journey of economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century exemplifies this.

This chart compares the biggest carbon emitters between 2020 and 1900.

China’s emissions increased dramatically, rising by six times from 1978 to 2018 alone, driven primarily by economic growth.

Here’s a breakdown of the top 50 biggest emitters in the world in 2020 versus 1900. All figures are in units of 100 million tons, and are rounded for simplicity.

RankCountry1900 EmissionsCountry2020 Emissions
8Czechia0.3Saudi Arabia6.3
9Austria0.3South Korea6
13Ukraine0.1South Africa4.5
26New Zealand0Pakistan2.3
27South Africa0Ukraine2.1

The data also highlights the shift in the global economy between developed and developing economies.

In the 1900s, the largest emitters were the U.S. and other industrialized nations. In the later data set, developing economies like India, Brazil, and Indonesia have moved up the list as more significant carbon emitters as well.

Exporting Emissions

The accounting for carbon emissions can change with international trade, depending on how emissions are counted and attributed.

Should emissions generated from a manufactured good be assigned to the country where the good was made, or to the place where the good was ultimately consumed? Adjusting emissions based on imports and exports can help us look at these differences.

This chart compares production-based emissions versus consumption-based emissions by country.

Richer economies that import lots of goods, like the U.S., UK, or Germany tend to have higher consumption-based emissions.

Meanwhile, for high-growth countries like China, India, Iran, and South Africa, the inverse is true: their production-based emissions are higher than their consumption-based emissions.

Cumulative Carbon Emissions

When taking into account emissions from the Industrial Revolution to 2020, nearly every continent has contributed large amounts of carbon emissions—but key leaders emerge.

Here is the full breakdown:

This chart shows cumulative carbon emissions by country since 1900.

According to the UN, the world will need to cut emissions by 32 Gt more than what countries have already promised in order to achieve the 1.5 °C target outlined in the Paris Agreement.

As you can see in this data, how or if this happens will likely be driven largely by the future of our energy sources and consumption.

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This article was published as a part of Visual Capitalist's Creator Program, which features data-driven visuals from some of our favorite Creators around the world.

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Mapped: How Much Each Country Pays for Gas in 2025

Production and refining costs, transportation and distribution fares, and taxes and subsidies all affect how much everyone pays for gas.



This map tracks the retail price of gas in 169 countries and territories around the world. Data is sourced from Global Petrol Prices, as of Feb 3rd, 2025.

Mapped: How Much Each Country Pays for Gas in 2025

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

This map tracks the retail price of gas in 169 countries and territories around the world. Data is sourced from Global Petrol Prices, as of Feb 3rd, 2025.

Gas is more commonly known as petrol, and also priced per liter in many places. The equivalent cost has been included in the table in the next section.

Ranked: Countries by How Much They Pay for Gas

Even amongst the cluster of countries with cheap gas in the Middle East, pump prices in Iran are astonishingly low.

On average, Iranians paid 11 cents per gallon in the week of February 3rd.

On the other hand, people in Hong Kong paid close to $13/gallon in the same time period.

Country($ / Gallon)($ / Liter)
🇮🇷 Iran0.110.03
🇱🇾 Libya0.120.03
🇻🇪 Venezuela0.130.03
🇦🇴 Angola1.240.33
🇪🇬 Egypt1.280.34
🇩🇿 Algeria1.280.34
🇰🇼 Kuwait1.290.34
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan1.620.43
🇲🇾 Malaysia1.750.46
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan1.780.47
🇧🇭 Bahrain2.010.53
🇧🇴 Bolivia2.050.54
🇶🇦 Qatar2.180.58
🇷🇺 Russia2.280.60
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia2.350.62
🇴🇲 Oman2.350.62
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan2.450.65
🇮🇶 Iraq2.460.65
🇸🇩 Sudan2.650.70
🇦🇪 UAE2.710.72
🇪🇨 Ecuador2.710.72
🇧🇾 Belarus2.820.75
🇧🇹 Bhutan2.870.76
🇱🇧 Lebanon2.880.76
🇮🇩 Indonesia2.970.79
🇹🇳 Tunisia2.980.79
🇪🇹 Ethiopia3.000.79
🇳🇬 Nigeria3.010.80
🇱🇷 Liberia3.030.80
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan3.060.81
🇵🇾 Paraguay3.190.84
🇻🇳 Vietnam3.230.85
🇦🇫 Afghanistan3.300.87
🇸🇾 Syria3.330.88
🇺🇸 USA3.420.90
🇲🇻 Maldives3.440.91
🇵🇰 Pakistan3.490.92
🇧🇷 Brazil3.490.92
🇵🇦 Panama3.530.93
🇬🇦 Gabon3.550.94
🇹🇼 Taiwan3.580.95
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico3.600.95
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan3.750.99
🇨🇴 Colombia3.811.01
🇱🇸 Lesotho3.871.02
🇬🇾 Guyana3.901.03
🇦🇺 Australia3.911.03
🇧🇩 Bangladesh3.911.03
🇲🇲 Burma3.921.04
🇸🇻 El Salvador3.921.04
🇬🇭 Ghana3.921.04
🇨🇩 DR Congo3.971.05
🇧🇼 Botswana4.001.06
🇭🇳 Honduras4.011.06
🇹🇬 Togo4.061.07
🇬🇹 Guatemala4.121.09
🇹🇿 Tanzania4.131.09
🇧🇯 Benin4.151.10
🇸🇿 Swaziland4.161.10
🇳🇦 Namibia4.171.10
🇲🇱 Mali4.181.10
🇬🇪 Georgia4.211.11
🇷🇼 Rwanda4.221.12
🇭🇹 Haiti4.281.13
🇵🇪 Peru4.311.14
🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago4.331.14
🇰🇭 Cambodia4.331.14
🇬🇩 Grenada4.341.15
🇦🇷 Argentina4.341.15
🇨🇼 Curaçao4.341.15
🇵🇭 Philippines4.391.16
🇮🇳 India4.391.16
🇫🇯 Fiji4.401.16
🇨🇳 China4.401.16
🇿🇦 South Africa4.461.18
🇳🇵 Nepal4.541.20
🇯🇵 Japan4.541.20
🇲🇬 Madagascar4.601.22
🇯🇲 Jamaica4.621.22
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic4.681.24
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka4.691.24
🇿🇲 Zambia4.711.24
🇲🇽 Mexico4.721.25
🇸🇷 Suriname4.721.25
🇨🇦 Canada4.741.25
🇨🇻 Cape Verde4.851.28
🇹🇷 Turkey4.881.29
🇨🇺 Cuba4.901.29
🇦🇼 Aruba4.911.30
🇲🇺 Mauritius4.931.30
🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina4.961.31
🇲🇩 Moldova4.981.32
🇰🇷 South Korea4.991.32
🇨🇲 Cameroon5.001.32
🇨🇷 Costa Rica5.021.33
🇩🇲 Dominica5.031.33
🇳🇮 Nicaragua5.041.33
🇨🇱 Chile5.041.33
🇲🇰 North Macedonia5.051.33
🇦🇲 Armenia5.061.34
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso5.071.34
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia5.081.34
🇲🇦 Morocco5.091.35
🇹🇭 Thailand5.101.35
🇲🇿 Mozambique5.111.35
🇰🇪 Kenya5.141.36
🇧🇬 Bulgaria5.181.37
🇧🇮 Burundi5.181.37
🇺🇬 Uganda5.181.37
🇨🇮 Ivory Coast5.221.38
🇱🇦 Laos5.231.38
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone5.251.39
🇬🇳 Guinea5.261.39
🇲🇹 Malta5.271.39
🇺🇦 Ukraine5.321.41
🇸🇨 Seychelles5.331.41
🇧🇸 Bahamas5.371.42
🇰🇾 Cayman Islands5.501.45
🇲🇼 Malawi5.521.46
🇦🇩 Andorra5.561.47
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe5.601.48
🇲🇳 Mongolia5.621.49
🇨🇾 Cyprus5.631.49
🇨🇿 Czech Republic5.751.52
🇲🇪 Montenegro5.781.53
🇱🇹 Lithuania5.861.55
🇵🇱 Poland5.871.55
🇷🇴 Romania5.891.56
🇸🇳 Senegal5.911.56
🇯🇴 Jordan5.921.56
🇸🇪 Sweden5.951.57
🇸🇮 Slovenia6.061.60
🇱🇺 Luxembourg6.121.62
🇭🇷 Croatia6.131.62
🇭🇺 Hungary6.141.62
🇪🇸 Spain6.141.62
🇦🇹 Austria6.171.63
🇷🇸 Serbia6.241.65
🇳🇿 New Zealand6.311.67
🇸🇰 Slovakia6.331.67
🇧🇪 Belgium6.401.69
🇱🇻 Latvia6.401.69
🇪🇪 Estonia6.451.70
🇨🇫 Central African Republic6.551.73
🇬🇧 UK6.561.73
🇸🇲 San Marino6.571.74
🇧🇿 Belize6.631.75
🇫🇮 Finland6.701.77
🇦🇱 Albania6.831.80
🇺🇾 Uruguay6.831.80
🇩🇪 Germany6.871.82
🇾🇹 Mayotte6.881.82
🇲🇨 Monaco6.881.82
🇫🇷 France6.931.83
🇵🇹 Portugal6.931.83
🇮🇪 Ireland7.071.87
🇼🇫 Wallis and Futuna7.081.87
🇮🇹 Italy7.191.90
🇬🇷 Greece7.221.91
🇳🇴 Norway7.241.91
🇧🇧 Barbados7.281.92
🇨🇭 Switzerland7.381.95
🇱🇮 Liechtenstein7.451.97
🇳🇱 Netherlands7.762.05
🇸🇬 Singapore7.792.06
🇮🇱 Israel8.012.12
🇩🇰 Denmark8.042.12
🇮🇸 Iceland8.442.23
🇭🇰 Hong Kong12.903.41
🌍 World Average4.701.24

Generally speaking, oil producers and refiners tend to have lower prices. This can be seen in prices in Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

One exception to this is Norway, Europe’s largest oil producer, which pays more than $7/gallon.

Factors that Affect Gas Prices Around the World

The price at the pump is determined by multiple factors.

First is the cost of crude oil, which varies based on type; lighter, sweeter crude is generally more expensive and produces more gasoline per barrel.

Next are refining costs, which depend on the complexity and technology of the refinery.

Then there’s the cost of transportation and distribution, followed by federal, state, and local taxes. Government subsidies may also affect the final price.

This last part particularly can be seen by comparing prices in Iran, Russia, and Norway. In the first two countries, gas is heavily subsidized to boost domestic demand.

On the other hand Norway places a steep tax to discourage consumption and promote the use of alternative fuels. As a result, EV adoption in Norway is close to 90%.

Finally, local prices have been converted to U.S. dollars for this comparison, and current exchange rates will have an impact on the final figure. It’s also worth remembering that in many countries the price in U.S. dollars may be low but might be very expensive compared to median incomes.

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Want a similar map but for electricity prices instead? Check out creator Rajesh Palnisamy’s, Average Cost of 1 Kilowatt-hour Electricity Around the World for a quick overview.

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