Despite Starlink’s dominance in the industry, the company is set to face intense competition in the coming years.
Since the beginning of the space race, only four countries have successfully accomplished missions to the moon.
This visual breaks down just how much space debris is currently orbiting the Earth, and the nations responsible for it.
This detailed map highlights 200+ celestial objects that astronomers have discovered about our universe and provides facts about each one.
This map is a comprehensive look at both existing and proposed spaceports and missile launching locations around the world.
This new planet-wide animated map, based on a decade of space agency research, shows where water can be found on Mars.
We explore the ultimate frontier: the composition of the entire known universe, some of which are still being investigated today.
This graphic shows a timeline of every mission to Mars since 1960, highlighting which ones have been successful and which ones haven't.
Which countries dominate outer space? This visual displays the number of objects every country has launched into space over time.
Scientists believe we've only discovered about 5% of the universe. Here's a map of what we've found so far, visualized using a log scale.