Ranked: The Top Performing S&P 500 Stocks in the Last Two Decades
Get Our Visual Guide to the Markets – December Edition (VC+)
Charted: The Decline of the Russian Ruble
Visualizing Global Trade Growth by Product (2019-2023)
Visualizing 30 Years of Global Equity Returns by Region
Charted: Here’s Who Owns U.S. Debt
Ranked: The World’s 20 Largest Economies, by GDP (PPP)
Charted: China’s Rise to Manufacturing Dominance Over 30 Years
Mapped: Latin America’s GDP per Capita by Country
Ranked: The Best and Worst American Cities for Economic Mobility
Visualizing America’s Favorite Gaming Formats
Charted: AI Usage At Work, by Generation
The 20 Largest Digital Exporters in the World
Ranked: Most Popular Gaming Genres by Generation
Ranked: Countries With the Fastest Mobile Internet Speeds
Mapped: The Gas Price in Every U.S. State
How Big is America’s Middle Class in 2024?
Visualizing the Growth of the Weight-Loss Drug Market
Infographic: R&D Spending Growth of Top Pharma Companies
Mapped: Cities With the Worst Winter Air Pollution
Mapped: Where Male Circumcision is Most Common in the World
Ranked: How Often People Go to the Doctor, by Country
Mapped: Global Hydrogen Production by Region
Mapped: Data Center Electricity Consumption By State
Visualizing the Gold-to-Oil Ratio (1946-2024)
Ranked: Top 10 Countries by Value of All Their Natural Resources
Mapping Asia’s Population Change Over Three Decades (1990–2023)
Mapped: Tectonic Plate Boundaries and Their Types
Mapped: The Top 5 States Americans Are Leaving
Mapped: How America’s East and West Coast Economies Compare
Ranked: The Countries Relying the Most on Mining Exports
Visualizing the Price of Bitcoin vs. Gold Over Time
Visualizing the Gold-to-Silver Ratio Since 1869
Visualizing Global Rare Earth Metals Production (1995-2023)
Charted: Per-Capita CO2 Emissions by Global Region (1960-2022)
Charted: A Decade of Rising Water Violence (2010–2023)
Charted: Global GHG Emissions, by Sector
Mapped: The Most and Least Green Cities in America
Proper indoor air quality prevents airborne viruses like COVID-19 from spreading, and require technical solutions so businesses run smoothly.
The representation of women on boards of directors a mixed bag. This graphic looks at the 10-year trend of women on corporate boards.
The world's growing focus on sustainability is a clear sign of the times. This map ranks the 40 greenest countries in the world.
The impact of booming ecommerce and international trade on trucking's carbon footprint and GHG emissions is heavy—but there are solutions.
From Switzerland and China to Vietnam and Tanzania — here are the world's most innovative countries, taking income per capita into account.
By embracing uncertainty and making timely pivots, we visualize the bizarre origin stories of the most successful tech companies today.
How has global advertising spending shifted over recent decades? We look at the data to see how both the industry and media have evolved.
Nearly 6,000 satellites circle our tiny planet. About 60% are space junk, 40% are operational—and hundreds more are launched every year.
From Vatican City to Fiji, take a closer look at the world’s 100 smallest countries and their spheres of influence.
Even a pandemic can't curb wanderlust—when tourism comes back, here are the most popular city destinations that will be seeing visitors.
This continuously updated chart provides a more complete look at the efficacy of COVID-19 containment strategies.
Tech giants and e-commerce brands are thriving—and running circles around less pandemic-proof brands.
In an in-depth survey, startup founders and their teams revealed work-from-home experiences and their plans for a post-pandemic future.